Remain Calm
- and treat injuries first.
Police should be called to the scene when the collision involves:
- any serious injuries or death.
- any appearance of criminal activity. (i.e. impaired driving, assault, stolen vehicle etc.)
- an uninsured or suspended driver
- pedestrians or bicycles.
- any Municipal, Provincial, Federal Government vehicles or TTC.
- other party refusing to provide required information as is legally mandatory.
If police assistance is not required, the driver should:
- If it is safe to do so, remove vehicles from the roadway.
- Obtain the other driver’s license number, name, address, telephone number and insurance
information. It is illegal for anyone to refuse to provide this. Call police if they refuse.
- Obtain names and phone numbers of any witnesses.
- As soon as possible, within 24 hours, with your vehicle attend the Collision Reporting Centre closest to
the accident scene. Please do not sign anything for anyone other than the police.
If a tow truck is required,
- Remember -- they must go directly to the Collision Reporting Centre and direct them to drop off the vehicle where the first 24 hrs of storage is free. After that it is only $45.00 per day, which your insurance will pay for. Usually your vehicle will be picked up before any storage charges are incurred
Please note: Be very careful in letting the initial towing company tow away your vehicle from the CRC after the report is made, as there is no regulation regarding how much they can charge for a second tow, whereas the first tow is regulated. Your vehicle could wind up locked up at their pound for days incurring unnecessary and exorbitant charges.
- Contact your insurance company or the Body Shop of your choice and let them look after towing your vehicle from the CRC. You will have to give the CRC permission to release your vehicle to company of your choice as they will not so without that.
What is a Collision Reporting Centre (CRC)?
- The Collision Reporting Centre is a police facility created to assist motorists in reporting motor vehicle collisions in the Greater Toronto Area.
The East Collision Reporting Centre is located at 39 Howden Road and is open from 6:00 am to 12:00 am (midnight), 7 days a week. (tel. 416-701-1600)
The North Collision Reporting Centre is located at 113 Toryork Road and is open from 6:00 am to 12:00 am (midnight), 7 days a week. (tel. 416-745-1600)
No fees are charged to police or motorists. All expenses are paid by Ontario’s insurers.
You can download Accident Report Form to be keeping in your glove compartment in case of emergency.